Monday, February 6, 2017


Endometriosis is a condition that affects the reproductive system and pelvic area of a woman’s body. The onset of the disease is subtle and often goes unnoticed, but gradually the symptoms begin to appear. Endometriosis is associated with the menstrual cycle and the hormones that trigger menstruation. The disease begins when tiny particles that resemble the lining of the uterus make their way towards the pelvic cavity. These particles start functioning like the uterine lining which is also known as endometrium. The endometrium responds to the hormones in the body and prepares for possible pregnancy every month by accumulating blood cells and other important chemicals. If pregnancy does not take place, the blood is shed through the menstrual period. The particles that travel to the pelvic cavity also function in the same manner and start reacting to hormones. However the blood that is shed from these growths cannot leave the body and this leads to internal bleeding and inflammation. This can continue for months and even years before symptoms of pain and discomfort start to surface. Many women only begin to suspect that something is wrong when they experience worsening pain during menstruation.

Zijue faida ya juice ya MIWA

Kuna faida nyingi za juisi ya miwa. Baadhi ya faida hizo ni kama zifuatazo
  •  Juisi ya miwa ina uwezo mkubwa wa kuipatia miili yetu nguvu kwa haraka na kukata kiu, na hii inasababishwa na  sukari "sucrose" ambayo kazi yake kuu ni kutengeneza nguvu mwilini. Kwa hiyo wakati mwingine ukiwa na uchovu, badala ya kunywa vinywaji vya viwandani tafuta juisi ya miwa itakufaa zaidi.
  • Juisi ya miwa ni tamu lakini pia ni nzuri kwa wagonjwa wa  kisukari,  kwa sababu juisi ya miwa ina sukari halisi ambayo ina uwezo mdogo wa kuzidisha kiwango cha sukari mwilini au kitaalamu inaitwa "Low Glycemic Index". Kutokana na hilo juisi ya miwa inashauriwa kutumiwa kama mbadala wa vinywaji vingine vya viwandani. Lakini ni  muhimu kwa watu wenye kisukari kutumia juisi hii kwa kiasi kidogo au kulingana na ushauri wa Daktari.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Are Garlic And Lemon Effective For Diabetes?

According to the American Diabetes Association, around 8% of Americans suffer from diabetes. Diabetics suffer from high levels of blood sugar, which can be either because the body does not produce sufficient insulin, or if the cells stop responding to the insulin produced by the body.